
As Summer Ends — (Late) Summer Reading List 2022

This year my Summer Reading List is definitely testing the boundaries of summer. But I claim as justification the fact that the days are still warm an...

August 8, 2022

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The Sexual Clash of Civilizations

In the aftermath of the fall of the Iron Curtain, prominent writer V. S. Naipaul declared the dawn of a "universal civilization." According to Naipaul's vision, the end of the Cold War was a signal that the entire planet was moving toward a single ci ...

November 14, 2005

Armistice and Insanity—The Horror of War

"Hostilities will cease on the whole front at 11 hours today, French time. Until that hour, the operations previously ordered will be pressed with vigor. At 11 hours our line will halt in place, and no man will move one step forward or backward." Tho ...

November 11, 2005

Civilization Under Siege—The Riots in Paris

"Civilization is hideously fragile," argued C. P. Snow. "There's not much between us and the horrors underneath, just about a coat of varnish." Snow's statement takes on ominous overtones in light of the raging riots in and around Paris. Over the pa ...

November 9, 2005

The Moral Education of Physicians—Why It Matters to All of Us

"Modern medicine is one of those extraordinary works of reason: an elaborate system of specialized knowledge, technical procedures, and rules of behavior," explains Paul Starr. "By no means are these all purely rational: Our conception of disease and ...

November 8, 2005

Jimmy Carter’s Endangered Values

Former president Jimmy Carter has written yet another book -- his twentieth -- and he has hit the media circuit in order to promote his latest project. Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis represents the former president's return to familiar ...

November 7, 2005

America’s Parents Served Notice–You are not the “Exclusive Providers” of Sex Information to Your Children

Who decides what children will be taught about sex? The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals served notice on America's parents this week, ruling that parents of elementary-aged school children have no right to be the "exclusive providers" of sex informati ...

November 4, 2005

Why Moms and Dads Matter–New Research

"In the last four decades, a feminist revolution has swept the globe," observes W. Bradford Wilcox. Indeed, a rising tide of feminist concerns has reached almost every part of the world, with ideological feminism exerting its greatest influence in We ...

November 3, 2005

Britain’s New Age Prince Comes to America

First, an admission--I am an unapologetic Anglophile. I love British history, celebrate our common roots, and would live in England if I could not live in America. Similarly, I am conservative enough to admit that I am sometimes given to romantic tho ...

November 2, 2005

The Baby Boomers and Their Times

"I hate the Baby Boomers. They're the most self-centered, self-seeking, self-interested, self-absorbed, self-indulgent, self-aggrandizing generation in American history . . ." Those words represent the assessment of Paul Begala, a former advisor to P ...

November 1, 2005

Christianity and the Dark Side: What About Halloween?

Over a hundred years ago, the great Dutch theologian Hermann Bavinck predicted that the 20th century would "witness a gigantic conflict of spirits." His prediction turned out to be an understatement, and this great conflict continues into the 21st ce ...

October 31, 2005

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