Marked Urgent

Pivoting to Surrender: A Warning for All Christians

Your vocabulary word for the day is, “pivot.” According to the Oxford Languages Dictionary, pivot can be used as a noun, meaning, “The central poin...

March 4, 2021

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Marked Urgent Archives

The Family Torn Apart — Richard Wolff on Economics and Family Life

Though this may surprise some readers, liberal and conservative economists often agree on the nature of the problems posed by various economic practices, even as they vigorously disagree about the solutions to those problems. Richard Wolff is a man ...

February 2, 2012

The Supreme Court Speaks: A Major Victory for Religious Liberty

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down one of the most important decisions on religious liberty in recent decades. For the first time, the Court held that there is indeed a ministerial exemption that allows churches and reli ...

January 12, 2012

The Emergence of Digital Childhood — Is This Really Wise?

The easiest way to infuriate the young is to lean into nostalgia. Nevertheless, it's hard not to be nostalgic for a childhood in which the basic equipment for elementary school was pretty much limited to notebooks, pencils, and an occasional ruler. T ...

November 30, 2011

My Letter to the Southern Seminary Community: Our Duty to Report

This letter to The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Boyce College community was released in the wake of the tragedy and scandal at Penn State University, and in honor of all those who have experienced such abuse. ___________________________ ...

November 18, 2011

Would You Attend a Same-Sex Wedding?

Would you attend a same-sex wedding ceremony? That question was posed recently to Houston pastor Joel Osteen, and Osteen said that he would attend, if the wedding involved friends. This came just after Osteen indicated that he could not perform a sam ...

October 18, 2011

My CNN Column: Are Evangelicals Dangerous?

My column at, "Are Evangelicals Dangerous?," was posted there on Sunday's front page. By mid-Monday, there were 75 pages of comments at the site. That tells us something about the volatility of the question. You can count on more debates alo ...

October 17, 2011

Should Pastors Perform Marriages for Cohabitating Couples?

Should Christian pastors preside at marriage ceremonies for cohabitating couples? That is not just a theoretical question -- it is a pastoral dilemma faced by almost every pastor. Given the rising rates of cohabitation, this question will only grow m ...

October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs, 1955-2011

The death of Steve Jobs, founder and iconic leader of Apple, is a signal moment in the lives of the "Digital Generation," which Jobs, along with a very few other creative geniuses, made possible. Few individuals of any historical epoch can claim to h ...

October 6, 2011

Terror Revisited — Truth Revealed

On September 11, 2011 -- the tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the United States, I preached the following message at Highview Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky [East Campus]. The message, "Terror Revisited: Truth Rev ...

September 16, 2011

Terror, Theology, and the Passage of Time: September 11, 2001 in Review

On Thursday, September 8, 2011, I was joined by Russell Moore, Zane Pratt, and Heath Lambert for a public discussion of the theological lessons of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. The video of the event is made available here, in hopes that ...

September 8, 2011

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