The Briefing 03-18-13

The Briefing 03-18-13

1) Moral Relativism, Republican Style

Rob Portman reverses stance on gay marriage, says son is gay, The Columbus Dispatch (Jack Torry and Jessica Wehrman)

Rob Portman commentary: Gay couples also deserve chance to get married, The Columbus Dispatch (Rob Portman)

Sen. Rob Portman supports same-sex marriage in exclusive CNN interview, CNN

Moral Relativism–Republican Style,

2) Is the political debate for gay marriage ‘effectively over’?

Sen. Rob Portman Makes ‘Brave’ Decision — Once It Directly Affects His Family, Huffington Post (Kenneth M Walsh)

Rob Portman, Gay Marriage, and Selfishness, New York Magazine (Jonathan Chait)

Rob Portman and the end of the gay marriage debate, Washington Post (Chris Cillizza)

3) Despite rapid cultural change – the Great Commission stands

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

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